Your own equipment is required for fencing at the NVFC. As a not-for-profit group, we do not have the funds avaliable to maintain a large amount of equipment for prospective members. If you are looking to move up to club from a beginner/intermediate standpoint, feel free to come by practice, engage in the warmup activities and observe how a club practice works for no charge.
Drop-In Fencing
$20 per person. Group rates can be arranged through Zbig.
***Not avaiable during Covit-19***
BCFA and CFA membership (Required)
As NVFC is a part of the British Columbia Fencing Association (BCFA) and the Canadian Fencing Federation (CFF), all club members are required to have memberships with the above associations for insurance reasons. Memberships cost a total of $62.50CAD and are avaliable, here.
Club Membership
Membership packages:
A1 - 2 practices a week for $700/year
A2 - 1 practice a week for $450/year
B - 2 practices a week for $300/session*
C - 1 practice a week for $200 per session*
Private Lessons: $40 per lesson (approx.30 min)
*Sessions are divided into September - December, January - March, and April - June.